A waving flag from Palestine

Yafa street , East of the Gaza city , Palestine . A group of simple, poor but ambitious families live there. Let’s learn English project has chosen this area to have the project done there, with co-operation with Takingitglobal , Bibliotheca Alexandrina , Zaatar Organization , Ajyal Association for Creativity and Development , and Palestine Youth Committee. We,coaches, started the training in April, 2010 with our coordinator “Adham Khalil” , we made a plan to choose the lessons we were going to teach, and we seek for the appropriate videos, songs and games to make the lessons much more fun. Then an announcement was published in the neighborhood, a number of mothers and their children applied for the project and then we started teaching them English. Lucky me , I was chosen to work with mothers. I was a little pit worried at first as I was dealing with women who are around the age of 30-50, but after knowing them I figured out that it was easy to communicate with the mothers. They were very simple, easy-going and had a strong desire to learn English . Mothers were very active and they did their best to draw a better future for them and for their children as well . The best thing about Let’s learn English project that we used a new and interesting methods of teaching English so that people could first love the language. Consequently, they will be ready to learn it . Every time I went to Ajyal and worked with the mothers. A greater hope of life appears in front of my eyes . Every time a mother comes with her child with a smile drawn on their faces because they did a written poster about the lesson they learnt a day ago , a strong believe that Gaza one day will be a better place comes to my mind . After 6 weeks of having lessons It was the time for the final festival , we prepared songs and a simple sketch to be preformed in the festival . The preparing was so much fun and mothers tried their best to memorize “ wave your flag” song and the other songs, and they did it , they waved their flags , success flags , in the final festival . I am proud of Gaza's women , proud of their courage, ambition, and their strong desire to be educated . We Gazans should prove to the world that we have life . Yes, we live in siege but that doesn’t prevent us from having dreams and working to achieve them .
My coordinator Adham once told me that I will thank him for giving me this great chance to work with such lovely people . and YES I am truly thankful .

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